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Downloading a dictionary of AQM Arabic-English is the easiest. The dictionary is recommended to be done as a.mbd.mbr and.aff file. Instructions to plant your downloaded.mbd file into your Kindle 1. Open a.mbd file in Thunderbird. 2. Select "Replace files" 3. Copy your Arabic.mbd file to the Kindle Kindle home Tip: If you have a Kindle in a language other than English download AQM dictionary for that language.
Why AQM doesn't work for you? Maybe you are using Windows, Mac, or Linux and you may have downloaded AQM.FAK and.aff files in the wrong format or wrong format. Input or format instruction: 1. The.FAK file should be in.prc format (see faq ) 2. The.aff file should be (MOBI) format(see faq ) 3. And the.FAK and.mbd and.aff files should be input together (in the same folder). Or, You may have downloaded AQM.FAK file in the wrong format or wrong format. For a.FAK file, you can open it with Microsoft Word and save it as.doc or.txt and then upload it to Amazon, or you can use a different program to convert your file format file (excel, notepad++, etc.
Want to change AQM to a different dictionary? Download AQM for your Kindle/Android from The new AQM looks similar to and supports also the.mbd (.aff not supported) d2c66b5586