Hugo 3d Sbs 1080p Hdtv
Hugo 3d Sbs 1080p Hdtv >>>
With active, each eye gets the full 1080p resolution of the source. On the other hand, the glasses make the image look dimmer, as they block some light. With LCDs this isn't really a problem, but with plasma and front projectors, it's more noticeable. While some of the glasses are lightweight, most aren't. They're also still stupidly expensive, despite initial claims from the manufacturers that they'd come down in price. There are exceptions to both the weight and cost issues. Samsung, for example, has some $30 glasses and some $70 ones that weigh 1 ounce. But on the whole, they're expensive (often $150 or more each) and not comfortable.
However, and this is key, the half resolution mentioned earlier is readily noticeable, as are the jagged line artifacts. The TV doesn't have to be super big, nor do you have to sit abnormally close, to be able to see both. LG claims they show all the resolution in the 1080p signal to each eye temporally. As in, the TV shows the odd lines of resolution on the odd lines of the TV, then flash the even lines of resolution on the odd lines of the TV (and the opposite for the even lines). The LG TV I reviewed recently didn't look soft, but that was hardly the issue. If you're considering a passive 3D, make sure you find one in a store and stand at the distance you'll be sitting from it. I found the artifacts and lines in the image quite distracting.
Regarding the reading of this 3D MKV MVC. The Mede8er MED1000X3D and Sidewinder 3, which use the same Realtek 1186 can read it perfectly, with support for subtitles in 3D. In fact, the video is played in 2D 1080p, and if you want to see in 3D, simply opt for the 3D Top & Bottom (Top/Bottom or) format, the player will switch to sequential display 3D 1080p. and I guarantee you that this is true 1080p 3D displays, excellent quality, such as the Blu-ray 3D home. This manipulation works even read Samba, or via USB without jerking. All 3D TV I tested worked perfectly and display video in 2D or 3D 1080p user choice.
The MediaInfo analysis of 3D Full HD 3D MKV file obtained gives it below. It is therefore a good MKV to AVC/MVC profile Stereo High@4.1 with two 1080p framepacking (top & Bottom) images and an average rate of 36.7 mb./S stereoscopic broadcast that remains content (Avatar can climb to more than 60 Mb/s). 153554b96e